Your Trusted Honey Brands:



The Manuka tree and flower is unique and has long been used for its healing benefits.


It’s only grown in New Zealand.


Manuka honey contain an extraordinary, naturally present, very stable and powerful Non-Peroxide Activity (NPA) not found in any other variety of honey named as Unique Manuka Factor (UMF™).




Non-peroxide activity (NPA) in Manuka honey named as Unique Manuka Factor (UMF™). UMF™ is the registered trademark of the UMF® Honey Association and can only be used by licensed operators that meet published standards and strict criteria.

The UMF™ quality mark assures you the honey you are purchasing is indeed genuine Manuka honey.

One of the chemical markers used to indicate the level or rating of each UMF™ Manuka honey is Methylglyoxal (or MGO). This is the chemical that was identifed originally as giving Mānuka honey its unique antibacterial characteristics.

Higher the UMF™ rating meaning higher in MGO content.

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Low immunity

Dry irritated throat



Gastric & indigestion

Acid reflux

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The UMF™ testing process is the most comprehensive analysis in the industry. Unlike other grading systems, we ensure that all of the key signature compounds which together identify genuine, high-quality Manuka honey are present. The UMF™ quality trademark on a honey’s label attest to the level of quality and purity of the product.

Manuka HONEY (MGO < 83)

New Zealand most famous honey, its rich, dark and intense characteristics has complex caramel and toffee flavor as well as hints of coffee, coconut and hazelnut. It contains less than 83mg/kg MGO.

UMF 5+ Manuka HONEY (MGO 83+)

The most popular Manuka honey with a guaranteed minimum of 83mg/kg MGO. UMF™ 5+ is a great alternative to standard Manuka honey and an excellent entry level UMF Manuka honey.


UMF 10+ Manuka HONEY (MGO 263+)

The best mid-range Manuka honey, UMF™ 10+ is a perfect combination of strength and taste. With higher levels of MGO (minimum 263mg/kg) and other unique markers.


UMF 15+ Manuka HONEY (MGO 514+)

A premium Manuka honey, UMF™ 15+ provides top-range effectiveness with a minimum of 514mg/kg of MGO. The high level of Manuka concentration gives this honey its dark colour and herbaceous, aromatic flavour.


UMF 20+ Manuka HONEY (MGO 829+)

One of the rarest forms of genuine Manuka honey, UMF™ 20+ is very high in MGO (minimum 829mg/kg). This honey is sourced from a small selection of premium locations that deliver the purest and very high in antibacterial property.


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New Zealand Manuka Honey UMF 5+

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100% Pure Manuka Honey UMF 5+

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New Zealand Manuka Honey UMF 20+

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100% Pure Manuka Honey UMF 20+

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Available at 60 Hockhua Tonic Outlets. Click Here for the stores Locator


Crystallization is caused by the natural occurring fructose and glucose in honey. The process mainly depends on the ratio between fructose and glucose. Crystallization will not affect the quality of honey.

Tips Crystalized honey can be returned into its original state by utting it under low heat, for example, soak the honey in warm water and stir until dissolve.

No. Adding sugar into any honey is illegal and against AVA food safety rules and regulation in Singapore. Sugar content on the label refer to natural occurring fructose and glucose in the honey.

Manuka honey only needs to be stored at a cool and dry place. Avoid direct exposure to sunlight.

Our Mānuka honey is absolutely safe for consumption as the plastic bottles comply with food safety standard. The opaque plastic bottles can also prevent UV light from affecting the quality of honey.

Mainly because Manuka honey is natural and no coloring and flavoring added. The texture, color and taste will be affected by the honey harvesting area, harvesting season, temperature and duration of storage.

The air bubbles are trapped in the honey during processing and packaging of the product. The air bubbles then work their way up to top after the honey is settled down. Another factor is because the honey is active and sustained, as time goes by, bubbles will form on the surface of honey.

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News & Media



Manuka Honey is unique to New Zealand and it contains active anti bacterial ingredients not present in other types of honey.


Manuka Honey is unique to New Zealand and it contains active anti bacterial ingredients not present in other types of honey.


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UMF™ Manuka honey is a sought after product and we know it’s important to prove our honey is authentic. Our website allows you to check the authenticity of every batch and see a copy of the independent laboratory report.

Trace your honey at:

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